
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Come: Eat fruits and vegetables to become sick?

Ubqari Magazine - April 2019

Healing from Sickness and exorcise: if anyone write Allah’s name اللہ 66 times and wash it and the patient drink this, Insha’Allah Allah will give health to him.

 Strawberry is a beautiful they are placed in boxes which are sold in markets. They start getting rotten due to weather .the fruit started to be surrounded with flies. To get rid of bees the shopkeeper does chemical spray on boxes so that they can stay away .but to be honest this fruit is harmful to your health. 

The fruit made of calcium carbide is harmful and can take your life. On this topic a report was published in newspaper that in Pakistan mango, banana, apricots, aloo Bukhara, Japanese fruit, black persimmons and pawpaw are made of carbide. This method is used to make fruits. These are the reason that causes diseases and it welcomes aging before time. That’s why in India and other countries have banned making of fruit with carbide. But it’s so bad that in Pakistan there’s no restriction on it .if you care about your health then avoid fruits made of carbide. Yes you can eat apple, grapes, pomegranate, water melon and melon because of they are not made of carbide. so sad to write  that on cigarettes packet there is warning published but on fruits thee no warning on boxes sold in markets  in Pakistan .in local news paper there was topic written on pomegranate s nectar and cancer and was  published . in that pomegranate works as medicine to cure cancer .but in Pakistan I know that people do not have access to fresh vegetable and fruits so that after catching fresh pomegranate from tree  to make sure that only keep it in sun for one day .if it kept for two days on stall the nutrients are nearly finished . if your friends or family members lives near the place where pomegranate is grown .if they can send you  fresh ones you can carry out any Hakeem or doctors perception to cure cancer through it  

Cauliflower is best for also cancer and for other diseases .but sellers do not go market to buy fresh ones every day. They go on Saturdays or on any other days. They bring enough so that they can sell for that whole week. On other day if caulis flower gets black they wash it with chemicals. It is very harmful to our health. To avoid it you may ask shop sellers to give you fresh ones or you may request your friend or any organization working on farms or owns a farms to send you fresh vegetable to your home .straw berry is beautifully placed in boxes .if they get rotten due to weather. the fruit is surrounded with bees in order to get rid of bees  the shopkeeper dos chemical spray on bees so that they can stay away but to be  honest they are harmful. 

Ginger is still dipped in chemical .yes or no I do not know .to be safe side to protect yourself you may use dry ginger or its powder .in order to check its purity you plant it in beds or in pot. if it contains chemical the soil will burn  . The juices of fruits are packed in the beautiful boxes which are sold in shops in market. on box of juice I saw NECTOR  written on it .if any  life saver water or any other drinks the ingredient’s  written on them are so thin that person drinking do not know what harmful   juice he is drinking . 

In apple juice the artificial flavour is added with sugar and food colour .why there is need to add article flavour . In apple juice thee 5 percent or 25 percent. we never know about this theory .these are some examples of food sold in country which do not cure the disease but they gave birth to diseases in the body .in order to cure the diseases  you may take treatment of Hakeem or doctor .but the good diet it help more to cure the diseases the better it is . Just we should avoid the foods which are harmful. 


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